Virgo Writer’s Challenge: Day 4
Day 4 of the Virgo Writer’s Challenge-
30 minutes of writing a day for 30 days
Here is my response to today’s writing prompt:
Truly if the fear of failure was taken out of the equation and I didn’t have the weight of financial responsibility in my life, I would have no other excuses left as reasons why I can’t write and be the healer and leader I desire to be. I believe that a healer is purely a vessel to hold space for another to realize the healing within them for themselves. But in the world we live in today with so much focus on the external and lack of value placed on internal exploration and healing, dedicating one’s life to healing and facilitating experiences which allow space and time for processing, integrating and healing is rare. I believe this is why I am drawn to explore educational paths in psychology, sociology, anthropology, neuroscience, and lifestyle design too understand how our internal world impacts the way we physically enact our life externally. This fascinates me. I want clarity on how the normally unseen elements of our world impact our day to day lives. I want to understand relationships and how and why we build them with other living beings, humans and other worldly beings.
Today’s prompt was inspired by a card pull from Earth Warriors Oracle by Alana Fairchild.
As seen here the card pulled is #18 Kuntar Yachak which translates to Condor Healer in the ancient Andean shamanic tradition. This card holds the energy of leadership and inspiration to connect with the great healing energy our world needs at this time and space through your divinely given gifts.
This hunger of curiosity to learn merges with my love of writing as I realize the research process for a book is what I have been doing- be it unknowingly. I have been gathering experiences and knowledge of the physical world around me to then allow me the tools and resources to create a literary world of my findings. The inspiration of reality to bend and shape into a creative landscape for the characters I have been slowly piecing together from my life experience for nothing in fantasy is created but instead discovered. To ask myself what would excite me most to wake up and do everyday- it would be to dive into a world which beckons to flow through my hands and be shared with others. With the wisdom of experiences and lessons for us all to learn from as I unfold the layers of this world’s story.
For even in a fictionalized fantasy, there is a deep truth which resonates forward. A beautiful mirror which we hold up to the world which allows us to see the imperfections and cracks we must attend to. I may not be able to fix every broken part of our world but I can research and identify some of the pain in our society and bring them too light for others to be aware of and take action to change. I am but one physical body in this space but this separation is an illusion which divides and separates. The fabric of this lifetime is destined to be realized as one.
Till tomorrow with love and light,
Founder of Summit of Wellness