Virgo Writer’s Challenge: Day 7
Day 7 of the Virgo Writer’s Challenge-
30 minutes of writing a day for 30 days
As we have made it a week into our challenge, I’d like to invite you to hold a moment of gratitude for yourself and this accomplishment. With any new habit, merely getting started is often the hardest part. We have spent the last week exploring the intricacies of our internal identities as writers. This has been a purposeful practice as I find I must first understand myself before I can dive into the creative process of character development and creation of worlds and relationships. I believe all characters we write about are semi-autobiographical. Writing comes from our mental world paired with the gifts of our imagination and intuition to guide us. So for today’s prompt, I invite you for 30 minutes to begin creating a character of a fictional piece. Even if non-fiction is more of your forte, challenge yourself with this exercise of fictional creation. This could be a lead or supporting character in the form of a person, animal, plant, mythical creature, or anything in between.
Here is my response to today’s writing prompt:
Today’s prompt was inspired by a the Aether Creatures oracles cards by Teal Swan.
As seen here I pulled #42 Talking Heads card. This card resonates with the prompt for today as the words associated with the card are guardianship, evaluation. testing, motives, and intentions. I find writing a character to be a process of discovery mixed with imagination so there is definitely a lot of evaluation and testing out if particular attributes and characteristics are fitting for a developing character and storyline.
Share your experience in developing a character with me here.
Sawyer is the main character of a fictional book series I have been brewing up in my mind. He is a 13 year old boy who lives in the Pacific Northwest. This story takes place in the not too distant future of the year 2050. The setting is a dystopian society where due to increasing environmental disasters of wildfires and earthquakes in tandem with overharvesting, trees have gone extinct and air quality is over 300 AQI for most of the year. Sawyer and his mother live in a log cabin built into a cave on a rock hillside near the base of Mt. Rainier. Sawyer was 1 years old when the Great Fires swept through North America burning every last tree. He has black hair with dark evergreen eyes and a little olive complexion. He is tall for his age, over 6 feet but quite thin. He has straight hair which is semi short and shaggy in the beginning of the book and his hair grows longer as the story progresses. His strengths are a photographic memory which can generate great detail about a variety of topics he’s read in books. He loves reading and makes it a hobby to find old books in abandoned libraries and homes when he is able to leave their shelter and go out on his own. He is a compassionate, gentle soul but is deeply confused and distraught about why he is here now in this desolate, crumbling world.
Till tomorrow with love and light,
Founder of Summit of Wellness