Grandmother Spider
When the worry sets-
realize it is all an illusion.
Each event
A firey reminder, all is planned.
A drill,
A repeat,
A remembrance of an intended lesson and purpose.
Grandmother Spider, weave this plan from the truth I speak.
Outside, Outside, I search with no avail.
It pains me so to seek with such desperation
Yet, still find nothing.
Incremental serendipities, but for what?
My faith is strong though I still waiver
Rage of Red, coming forth,
I bend to her logical reality.
Sinking into her hot shores,
A familiarity I always can find.
Effortless to submerge deeper and deeper down.
Finding no bottom,
I continue the decent.
A soft whispers comes in the darkness.
A cool ocean ripple awakens me from my spiraling slumber.
A tug at my heart to resurface.
Releasing a final bubble of despair in my depths.
As if being pulled from above.
I cool,
I rise,
I ascend to new heights.
Bursting forth with certain truth,
Arising to float upon the calm waters of inner peace once again.
The descent always calls the ascent back.
The boil over time cools into temperate waters.
The seed constantly growing and transforming,
no matter how barren the surface may appear.
More than keeping the faith-
Observe the cycles,
Trust the intelligent design,
Surrender to every stage no matter where you desire to be.
It is a worry.
It is a triumph.
It is a perceived failure.
It is an apparent dull horizon ahead.
Whatever the present appears to be will change in the blink of an eye.
There is only now,
Then is gone and when has yet to come.
Gently she weaves her next web.
Found among the rubble her prey to sustain this next adventure.
To amply, flow where we must go.
It’s a true journey for certain.
The smells, the sights, the sounds, the tastes, the touches,
Each teaching lessons we designed to learn.
Though from within, we truly expand.
A bloom no outward sense could change.
Re-chart your course, over and over,
For this is the way of life.
Though stay true to her message,
From the You which does not waiver.
Go within for directions each time of confusion.
The intricate web of ancient knowing will speak clearly in the depths.
A guidance so true it physically moves-
To go,
To do,
To be.
Purely the You of us All.
Found, finding, forlorn-
Inward gaze knows no difference.
A flight to soar upon a sure course.
A solid foundation of Earth to grow upon.
Buried in her warm embrace when required,
to bloom from her guiding arms when ready.
This needed flow supporting her every weave.
Eight legs of Grandmother Spider,
walk delicately over her spun abode.
Sticky but not stuck.
She spins and glides with ease.
To prey and be preyed upon,
Is the intricate web of life.
No time ending-
always continuing.
Finding a new start at each closing.
The energy repurposed,
Recreated anew.
Find my home in her soils,
Always my true place of belonging.
Back in her many loving arms once more.
Goodbye Grandmother Spider,
May I find you again.
Over and Over with such grace, gratitude for your medicine.
Dedicated to mama for teaching me to set free that which scare me most.
Learn more about animal medicine and messages different beings in nature may be trying to share with you in Ted Andrew’s beautiful book, Animal Speak.