Virgo Writer’s Challenge: Day 1
Day 1 of the Virgo Writer’s Challenge-
30 minutes of writing a day for 30 days
‘A writer will do anything else to keep from beginning writing’- a quote I read somewhere from someone who clearly was a writer who struggled to start writing like I do.
Not knowing how to begin has been the great start of everything in my life. Then bit by bit- Google search by Google search- I uncover the grains of understanding which piqued my interest. Over the last two years, I have been inherently aware of this piecing together process but even prior to my heightened awareness I used this same discovery process to find my way. Really I believe we all do. It’s part of the individualistic process to hear about or experience something that peaks your interest and then to follow this new thread to see what it is all about and where it leads to. With my love of writing for as long as I can remember I have loved the creativity and wholeness I feel in writing. This love and gift made me a natural at performing well in formal education and career paths in my life. For this I am grateful but then why when I have the time for my own love of writing to guide me do I find it so hard to write? To find a topic which peaks my interest enough to see it through.
Knowing my dream is to be a published author and bring important stories to others to inspire their journey as writers one day. Jane Austen was my favorite author as a child and I think this was because the stories felt foreign but yet relatable. Young women trying to find their place in a world not made for them. Navigating social situations not of their own making but created to idealize and control a free spirit on the precipice of bloom. These characters and the layers of petticoats they hide behind often felt familiar to my soul which found the world around me intriguing and yet very strange.
An extroverted introvert generating a life deeply desiring outward success and approval- this is my shadow, at least the part of it I can see in my periphery these days. My light I feel innately and easily accepted by myself and others- a giving, generous heart that loves to love. But on the flip side I crave the recognition of others, to live life in the limelight in overt embrace from others. My ego feels satiated only when an outpouring of love from others is in abundance. I assume this is every person’s experience but I recognize now it is not. It is a specially designed set of desires and needs I have created to embody the experience I am destined for this lifetime. To see this shadow and accept day in and day out that I can validate myself but also simultaneously thrive off the praise of others. Learning from each challenge how to integrate feedback and constructive criticism with more ease but also with loving growth for myself. I have locked my writing in a cage of my own fear’s making because the thought of rejection is impalpable. But I set her free imperfect as she is to find little by little the voice which has always earned to be shared.
I set out on this 30 day challenge beginning on the first day of Virgo Season 2023 and Mercury Retrograde in Virgo to ground myself into this new acceptance of identity. Inextricably tying myself to being a writer through this ritual act. I must begin and it will be imperfect and messy and no one may even read what I write or worse they may read it and not like it. These are the risks I must take to wholeheartedly embrace the me which is ready to be born. I’ll never feel quite ready or prepared or educated enough but I start today and that is more than enough.
Day 1 of the 30/30 Virgo Writer’s Challenge Prompt:
What part/s of myself am I hiding from the world out of fear of rejection and judgement? How can I love the light and shadow parts of myself equally?
Today’s prompt was inspired by a card pull from The Divine Feminine Oracle by Meggan Watterson. As seen here the card pulled is Inanna- The Queen of Heaven and Earth.
If you would like to go on this journey with me of 30 days of 30 minutes a day of writing for the Virgo Writer’s Challenge, fill out the form below to receive daily writing prompts for free to help inspire you to dedicate 30 minutes of your day to the creative process of writing for the next 30 days.