Virgo Writer’s Challenge: Day 2
Day 2 of the Virgo Writer’s Challenge-
30 minutes of writing a day for 30 days
Making my dreams of being an author come true takes determination and dedication, I understand this very well. Though still I prioritize MANY other more menial, less exciting things before time for my writing. Why do I do this?
Honestly, the answer is because it is familiar and easier. Finding stability in my writing takes acceptance to leap out into the unknown and to put myself out there. Which causes my ego to twitch and spasm in fear of rejection. The balance between flexibility and stability in my writing requires me to hear the voice of my own inner doubts and acknowledge it with love but then do the thing anyway! Writing purely for my own personal enjoyment and because it makes me feel alive like I never have been before. These statements may seem grand but I do truly believe that the fabric of each of our DNA is woven of unique gifts that only we can fulfill in this world. Of our own freewill, we can choose to realize and act upon these gifts or allow them to lie dormant for our lifetime. The choice is ours to make. Those with every choice comes a consequence of action or inaction in the later case. For a life which feels stagnant and stuck is one I believe often unrealized of one’s divinely designed gifts. Through life’s greatest challenges we are often given the opportunity to see our gifts in its purest form. In these experiences, a raw interior is exposed to see the rare gift that only you possess.
In my case, two years ago the loss of my mother awoke me from the daze of everyday monotony of life to pursue my passion as a writer. I 100% do not have it all figured out and most days feel like I am just taking the first steps on my journey as a writer. But through pain and suffering I realized my gift and I am dedicated to never turning my back on it again. Holding space and containers like these to dedicate myself to my craft is as important to me as my household, familial, and other professional duties these days. And this is something I encourage you through the next few weeks to explore along with me. I will share my insights on this blog as they come up but more importantly to me is hearing your intuitive finds as you explore your own identity as a writer.
For me, the words flexibility and stability pertaining to my writing practice mean holding a space and time each day which is dedicated solely to the art of writing whatever feels most important in that time to me. But also hold a compassionate heart that perfection is unattainable and if I slip up and miss writing one or two days that does not result in failure. Robert Collier said, “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.”, and to me that is what finding balance in my writing practice really means to me. T
his challenge is purposefully taking place during Virgo season and three week Mercury’s retrograde through Virgo as well. We will get more into the astrological influences throughout the next few weeks together but one important theme which Virgo season can bring up is reflecting back our tendency to cling to perfectionism. When I pursue the middle ground between stability and flexibility of my own writing practice I realize this is the antithesis of perfectionism which I like many greatly struggle with and would say is a prominent contributor to my procrastination to make time for my gift. My writing is enough just as it is today and conversely will continue to improve and change as I dedicate myself to it. This is why it is called a gift.
Day 2 of the 30/30 Virgo Writer’s Challenge Prompt:
What areas of my life do I need to find a balance between flexibility and stability? What do the words flexibility and stability mean to me as a writer?
Today’s prompt was inspired by a card pull from The Gaia Oracle by Toni Carmine Salerno. As seen here the card pulled is #4 The Dream.
If you would like to go on this journey with me of 30 days of 30 minutes a day of writing for the Virgo Writer’s Challenge, fill out the form below to receive daily writing prompts for free to help inspire you to dedicate 30 minutes of your day to the creative process of writing for the next 30 days.